• News
  • Sharing Anti-epidemic Experience with Innovative Sheba Hospital of Israel

    The continuedspread of COVID-19 aroundthe world has become a testofthe strength ofworld’shealth systems.How does Isreal, the world’s leader in technological innovation, perform in combating theepidemic? On June 23, 2020, our hospital held aninternationalwebinarwith Sheba hospital on the prevention and control of the epidemic. As the leadinginstitutionof Israel in fighting against the epidemic, Sheba hospital has shown its strength in the fields of health care, scientific research and its amazing achievements. As one of the important forces in the anti-epidemic campaign in Wuhan and Shanghai, our hospital also activelyparticipates inthis battle. The two sides agreed to start an all-round cooperative partnership based on the sharing of the anti-epidemic experience. In addition, more than 2...

  • Our Hospital Completed the First MRI AutoDetect Pacemaker Implantation Surgery in Shanghai

    Pacemaker implantation is one of the most effective treatment options for patients who require pacing therapy. However, according to statistics, 50%-75% of patients need an MRI examination after the implantation of a pacemaker, but the risk of parameter disturbance, electrode perforation, and even death can occur with conventional pacemakers. Although MRI-compatible pacemakers have been introduced in recent years, the MRI examination process is very cumbersome and inconvenient for both medical professionals and patients. Recently, Shanghai GeneralHospital has implanted the first pacemaker with MRI AutoDetectfunction for a patient with atrioventricular block. In this case, patients can receive unlimited MRI exams as needed within 14 days once the MRI AutoDetect function starts. The device wi...

  • Our Experts Participated in International Cooperation with American and African in Combating COVID-19

    Recently, eight specialists from our hospital, who were involved in the treatment of COVID-19 both in Wuhan and Shanghai shared their experience with counterparts in New York state and Africa CDC by international teleconferencing system. More than 120 medical staff from the public health system in New York State, the medical staff and public health experts from African CDC participated in the online conference. Through the sharing and introduction of experts from our hospital, colleagues in New York State and Africa CDC learned the experience of rapid control of the epidemic in China, as well as the know-how of zero infection of medical aid teams. Participants had a warm interaction with our experts. Connecting New York State On April 28, the Shanghai-New York State connection was initiat...

  • Medical Team from Shanghai General Hospital Work Around the Clock and the Multi-disciplinary Cooperation Turn the Corner

    Source: Xinmin Evening News Author: Gao Yang correspondent:Su QiHu Yang 16:26:00, February 26, 2020Picture Description: the medical team of ShanghaiGeneralhospital successfully treated a 70-year old male patient with CRRT blood purification technology in Leishenshan hospital. Picture source: Leishenshan Hospital(the same below) Recently, ShanghaiGeneralHospital medical team in Leishenshanhospitalhas successfully treated a novel coronavirus pneumonia patient with hyperkalemiaandchronic renal failure by using CRRT (continuous renal replacement therapy) blood purification technology. This is also the first time that the new batch of Shanghai General Hospital medical team apply CRRT to treat novel coronavirus pneumonia patient, after the team took over the first ward of third infection departm...

  • Our Hospital Performs Minimally Invasive Surgery with AI plus Naked Eye Technoglogy

    The team from our General Surgery Department is performinga 3D laparoscopic surgery with naked eyes under the support of AI eye tracking and 4K ultra HD technology On July 26, the Clinical Medical Center of our General Surgery Department applied the naked-eye 3D display system based on AI eye tracking and 4K ultra HD technology in performing the radical resection of rectal carcinoma for a patient with rectal cancer. This system is able to automatically identify the surgeonthrough the camera loaded on the display, and dynamically display 3D image on the screen by determining the immediate location of the left and right pupil. Compared to 3D glasses, the operator has a broader visual field, more clear level, higher efficiency and accuracy of operation, without increasing any surgical expense...

  • Six Networks Built to Try the Integration of Medical Services in the Yangtze River Delta Jiefang Daily’s Report on Our Hospital’s Exploration of the Integration of Medical Services in the Yangtze River Delta

    In Oct. 2016, the Strategic Alliance of Hospitals in the Yangtze River Delta for Coordinated Development was established. This alliancejointly initiated by Shanghai General Hospital, Jiangsu Province Hospital, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital and Anhui Provincial Hospital now covers 112 hospitals in 26 cities. With their joint efforts, these hospitals have built “six networks” (critical care network, chronic disease prevention and control network, specialized medical alliance network, network of medical insurance settlement for medical treatment received in a different place, remote outpatient service network, air ambulance service network) and promoted the high-quality medical development in the Yangtze River Delta. “The medical profession has no shortage of ‘exclusive clubs’ fo...

  • Our Hospital Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Origin Cell Science and Technology Corporation

    As an important pillar of strategic emerging industries in Shanghai, biomedical industry is an important force to enhance the industrial level and core competitiveness of Shanghai. Recently, our hospital has reached strategic cooperation with Origin Cell Science and Technology Corporation.The strategic cooperation between the two sideswill give full play to our respective advantages, integrate resources, and carry out in-depth cooperation in technology development, clinical research, transformation and application, personnel training, application of researchprojects and other fields of cell and biological sample preservation, cell therapy and other related technologies and products. We will jointly build the “Shanghai General Hospital - Clinical Research and transformationCenter for Primi...

  • As an Initiator, Our Hospital Works with Tencent to Build “Internet + Health” in the Yangtze River Delta To Build an Integrated Intelligent Medical Service Model Covering the Whole Medical Process

    Intelligent medical imaging, WeChat medical insurance payment, electronic health cards, electronic medical records, telemedicine and other advanced new services of “Internet+ Medical Service” will be implemented in the Yangtze River Delta in an all-round way as AI, blockchain security and WeChat payment improve. People will enjoy quality medical services at home. On June 1, our hospital’s president Wang Xingpeng and Jiangsu Province Hospital, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, Anhui Provincial Hospital, as initiating hospitals of the Yangtze River Delta “Internet+ Medical Consortium” construction, signed a cooperation agreement with Tencent. It’s introducedthat the two partieswill use new-generation information and communication technologies such as cloud computing, big data and ...

  • Our Hospital Will Lead “The Development, Evaluation and Improvement of a Laryngoscope Intraluminal Self-Evolving, Surgical Robot Dedicated to Oral Implantology” in the National Key R&D Plan

    Recently, as required bythe High Technology Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, a kick-off meeting for the intelligent robot project “The Development, Evaluation and Improvement of a Laryngoscope Intraluminal Self-Evolving,Surgical Robot Dedicated to Oral Implantology” in the National Key R&D Plan was held in our hospital’s North Division. Leaders and relevant experts from the expert panel on robotics of the High Technology Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Scientific Research Instituteof Shanghai Jiao Tong University and cooperating organizations attended the meeting.The meeting was presided over by Prof. Dong Pin, our hospital’s academic leader and chief surgeon of otolaryngology, head and neck surgery. At t...

  • Health News: Shanghai General Hospital Drives Management Upgrades by “Three Carriages”

    “The purpose of hospital management is to give full play to the overall operation function and get the best comprehensive benefit.” As an internal medicine expert who devoted the first half of his life to the theory of organism, Shanghai General Hospital’s President Wang Xingpeng has been wondering whether the hospital can also be considered as an organism in management. In practice, the hospital's quality and technology system, personnel growth system and performance incentive system built for improving the quality of medical service have become the "three carriages" for driving management upgrades.From “Large and Inclusive” to “Strong and Intensive”In Wang Xingpeng's opinion, it is tertiary hospitals’ future task to improve their clinical and scientific research ...

  • Standard, Communication, Innovation, Flexibility: Our Hospital Holds the 1st Clinical Care SBAR Case Scenario Simulation Competition

    Recently, our hospital held the 1st Clinical Care SBAR Case Scenario Simulation Competition. After more than 4 months of preparations, 16 teams from our hospital’s North Division and South Division competed in the same arena. About 100 nurses watched the competition on site. Leaders from the Nursing Department, Medical Department, Masses Work Department, Publicity and Spiritual Civilization Department formed the jury.Based the actual workplace scenarios at all levels, the 16 teams presented various aspects of communication in clinical care. The theme focused on doctor-nurse communication, nurse-nurse communication and nurse-patient communication. Social focuses such as teenage ectopic pregnancy, overnutrition for the second pregnancy, doctor-patient conflict and other phenomena were presen...

  • Our Hospital Wins the Rising Star Award in the Best Employer Awards for Chinese Medical Institutions in 2017

    On May 12, China Hospital Development Conference 2018 and Award Ceremony for the Best Employer Awards for Chinese Medical Institutions in 2017 were held in Hangzhou. The conference theme was “Talents Support Development, Brands Lead the Future”. Leaders and pioneers in the medical industry gathered to discuss and communicate on the topic. During the conference, the Award Ceremony of the Best Employer Awards for Chinese Medical Institutions in 2017 was held. Our hospital won the Rising Star Award in the Best Employer Awards for Chinese Medical Institutions in 2017 and became the second public hospital in Shanghai to win an award in the Best Employer Awards for Chinese Medical Institutions in 2017 after Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University. This time, more than 300 hospitals pa...

  • A delegation of University Airlangga from Indonesia visited SGH Songjiang Campus

    On April 27th, a 42 member delegation from University Airlangga, Indonesia visited our Songjiang Campus. Prof. Yun Feng, Secretary of Party Committee of SGH, Prof. Shujie Xia, Vice President, and some administrators of medical and nursing departments received the delegation. A roundtable meeting was held for a warm communication focusing on China’s hospital management and health policies.University Airlangga is a reputable University of Indonesia. The delegation was composed of the lecturers and students of graduate program in health policy and administration. Visiting of SGH is a part of a foreign-hospital-benchmarking program of Univerisity Airlangga, aiming for knowing more about the leading hospital in the world and directly learning about the occurring hospital-business development. S...

  • Our hospital Signed Comprehensive Memorandum of Cooperation with Israel Rabin Medical Center

    From March 5th to 6th, six members of our delegation led by President Xingpeng Wang visited Rabin Medical Center in Tel Aviv, Israel. Professor Eryne Halpern, CEO of Rabin Medical Center, and Professor Xingpeng Wang, president of Shanghai General Hospital, signed comprehensive memorandum of cooperation with establishing all-round cooperation in areas including study of clinical innovative technology, personnel training, research between the two sides. Rabin Medical Center(RMC), one of Israel's largest and most advanced medical institutions, occupies a leading position in the world in the field of cardio-thoracic surgery, vascular surgery, tumor, hematology and organ transplantation. Some doctors of RMC enjoy a high reputation in the world; and its innovation technology develops dramati...

  • China-German Medical Innovation Exchange Delegation Visited Our North Campus

    Nov.2, invited by the National Health and Family Planning Commission, German national DRG forum organized German medical innovation delegation to visit our hospital. President Xingpeng Wang and directors from relevant departments warmly received the guests.The visit was also supported by German medical literature publishing company, the affiliated hospital of University of Heidelberg, and the Braun medical foundation. As a designated hospital, we introduced the achievement of theoretical innovation and practice in the total quality management made in recent years. German delegation introduced their application of KPI in DRGs as well. Both sides had an in-depth and open discussion on the topics including the innovation and application of medical technology, medical quality management, the de...

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