Shanghai Key Laboratory of Fundus Diseases

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Fundus Diseases was founded by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality in 1998. It is supported by the Shanghai General Hospital Affiliated Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The director and deputy director of the Laboratory is Prof. Xu Xun and Prof. Sun Xiaodong. At present, titled Shanghai Municipal Institute of Ophthalmology and Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Laboratory of Fundus Diseases covers 1000 m2.

The research directions of the Laboratory cover most research fields of ophthalmology including (1) clinical and application research of fundus diseases (retinopathy of diabetes, age related macular degeneration and retinal detachment); (2) research on public health of ophthalmology; (3) major equipment engineering center of ophthalmology (under preparation); (4) multi-center clinical research of ophthalmology; (5) others: research on pathogenesis of glaucoma and protection of optic nerve, research on mechanism of development of refractive myopia and research on the role of bio-peptide in eyes. The Laboratory now has 62 scientific researchers. There are three persons of the National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project under the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security, two middle-aged and young experts making outstanding contributions under the Ministry of Health, four municipal leading talents, one person winning the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, one distinguished professor of Changjiang scholar, four persons of the excellent academic leader plan and five persons of the municipal Pujiang talent plan. They form an innovative and exploring research group which has active academic ideas, good academic atmosphere and is characterized by academic intersection and integration. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Fundus Diseases has four functional zones, i.e. biochemical laboratory, cell laboratory, animal laboratory and film reading center.

The Laboratory was reconstructed and decorated by the international standard (BSL2-3). There are bright and spacious experiment site and advanced experimental facilities. The Laboratory has many large experimental instruments such as fluorescence microplate, PCR, cell smear centrifuge, freezing microtome, micro plates centrifuge, dissecting microscope, CO2 incubator, biosafety cabinet, flow cytometry, inverted fluorescence microscope and fluorescent quantitation PCR; the experiment reagent and materials can also be stored in the platform with refrigerating chamber, ultralow temperature refrigerator and storage room for liquid nitrogen, etc. All experiment zones and experimental instruments are able to basically satisfy the demand for making experiments.

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