- Subject Team

Huang Qian
Director of Oncology Center, Chief physician
Tumor angiogenesis; Tumor gene therapy; Tumor repopulation
Oncology Center
1991-1993: Research Fellow
Department of Ophthalmology
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1986-1989: PhD in Molecular Genetics and Ophthalmology
Dept. of Ophthalmology
School of Medicine
West China University of Medical Sciences
1982-1985: Master degree in Ophthalmology
Dept. of Ophthalmology
First General Hospital
West China University of Medical Sciences
1978-1982: Bachelor’s degree of Medicine
Sichuan Medical College
Work Experience
2013.11-present: Director
Cancer Center
The First People's Hospital
1991-1993: Research Fellow
Department of Ophthalmology
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
1986-1989: PhD in Molecular Genetics and Ophthalmology
Dept. of Ophthalmology
School of Medicine
West China University of Medical Sciences
1982-1985: Master degree in Ophthalmology
Dept. of Ophthalmology
First General Hospital
West China University of Medical Sciences
1978-1982: Bachelor’s degree of Medicine
Sichuan Medical College
Work Experience
2013.11-present: Director
Cancer Center
The First People's Hospital
1997-2013: Director, Professor
Experimental Center
The First People's Hospital
Experimental Center
The First People's Hospital
2011.10-2013.10: Visiting Professor
Duke University
2007.3-2009.8 Visiting Professor
University of Colorado at Denver
2002.5-2002.12: Vi siting Professor
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
2001.9-2002.5: Research Associate
Cancer Center
Duke University Medical Center, USA
1997-1998: Research Associate
Cancer Center
Duke University Medical Center, USA
1996-1997: Senior Research Scientist
Research Center of Clinical Molecular Biology
The First General Hospital
West China University of Medical Sciences
1994-1996: Associate Professor
Department of Ophthalmology
School of Medicine
West China University of Medical Sciences
1993-1995: Research Fellow
Department of Pathology
College of Medicine, University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont, USA
1991-1993: Research Fellow
Department of Ophthalmology
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Subject category:Medicine
Research field: Tumor angiogenesis; Tumor gene therapy; Tumor repopulation。
Representative article:
1. Olaf Hiort, Qian Huang, Gernot H.G. Sinnecker, Ab Sadeghi-Nejad, Klaus Kruse, Hubert J. Wolfe, and David W, Yandell. SSCP analysis of androgen receptor gene mutations patients with androgen insensitivity syndrome: application for diagnosis, genetic counseling and therapy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 1993,77:262-266.
2. Christopher Poremba, David W. Yandell, Qian Huang, John B. Little, Walter Mellin, Kurt W. Schmid, Werner Bocker, Barbara Dockhorn-Dworniczak. Frequency and spectrum of p53 mutations in gastric cancer: a molecular genetic and immunohistochemical study. Virchows Arch. 1995,426:447-455.
3. Jian Wang, Qian Huang, Wei Tang, and Bernardo Nadal-Ginard. E2F1 inhibition of transcription activation by myogenic basic helix-loop-helix regulator. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 1996,62:405-410.
4. Qian Huang, Siqing Shan, Rod D. Braun, Jennifer Lanzen, Gopal Anyrhambatla, Garheng Kong, Michael Borelli, Peter Corry, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuan-yuan Li. Noninvasive visualization of tumors in radent dorsal skin window chambers. Nature Biotechnology 1999,17:1033-1035.
5. Chuan-yuan Li, Siqing Shan, Qian Huang, Rod Brun, Jeniffer Lanzen, Kang Hu, Pengnian Lin, and Mark W. Dewhirst. Initial stages of tumor cell-induced angiogenesis: Evaluation via skin window chambers in rodent models. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2000,92:143-147.
6. Qian Huang, Jim K.Hu, Frank Lohr, Li Zhang, Rod Brun, Jeniffer Lanzen, John B. Little, Mark W. Dewhirst and Chuan-yuan Li. Heat-induced gene expression as a novel targeted cancer gene therapy strategy. Cancer Research 2000,60:3435-3439.
7. Frank Lohr, Jim K.Hu, Zishan Haroon, Thaddeus V. Samulski, Qian Huang, Jeniffer Beaty, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuanyuan Li. Combination treatment of murine tumors by adenovirus-mediated local B7/Il12 immunotherapy and radiotherapy. Molecular Therapy 2000,2:195-203.
8. Qing-hua Ru, Hui-e Jing, Guo-an Luo, Qian Huang. Single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis to detect the p53 mutation in colon tumor samples by capillary electrophoresis. J Chromatogr. 2000,894:171-177.
9. Frank Lohr, Kang Hu, Qian Huang, Li Zhang, Thaddeus V. Samulski, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuanyuan Li. Enhancement of radiotherapy by hyperthemia-regulated gene therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology 2000,48:1513-1518.
10. Chuanyuan Li, John B. Little, Kang Hu, Wen Zhang, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Qian Huang. Persistent genetic instability in cancer cells induced by non-DNA-damaging steree exposures. Cancer Research 2001,61:428-432.
11. Frank Lohr, Qian Huang, Kang Hu, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuanyuan Li. Systemic vector leakage and transgene expression by intratumorally injected recombinant adenovirus vectors. Clinical Cancer Research 2001,7:3625-3628.
12. Xiuwu Zhang, Yongping Li, Qian Huang, He Wang, Bin Yan, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuanyuan Li. Increased resistance of tumor cells to hyperthermia mediated by integrin-linked kinase. Clinical Cancer Research 2003,9:1155-1160.
13. Sara J. Bowne, Stephen P. Daiger, Kimberly A. Malone, John R. Heckenlively, Avril Kennan, Peter Humphries, Dinna Hughbanks-Wheaton, David G.Birch, Qin Liu, Eric A. Pierce, Jian Zuo, Qian Huang, Danyel D. Donovan, Lori S. Sullivan. Characterization of RP1L1, a highly polymorphic paralog of the retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1) gene. Molecular Vision 2003,9:129-137.
14. Feng Wang,Jihong Wu, Yuhua Tian, Xiafang Chen, Honghui Hu, Wensen Wu, Chuanyuan Li and Qian Huang. Role of VEGF in the growth and metastasis of a murine bladder carcinoma. Chinese Science Bulletin 2003,48: 2404-2410.
15. Qian Huang, XiuWu Zhang, He Wang, Bin Yan, Mark W. Dewhirst, and ChuanYuan Li. A novel conditionally replicative adenovirus vector targeting telomerase-positive tumor cells. Clinical Cancer Research 2004,10:1439-1445.
16. XiuWu Zhang, Qian Huang, Zhonghui Yang, Yongping Li, and ChuanYuan Li. GW112, a novel antiapoptotic protein that promotes tumor growth. Cancer Research 2004,64:2474-2481.
17. Xiuwu Zhang, Takashi Kon, He Wang, Fang Li, Qian Huang, Zahid N. Rabbani, John P. Kirkpatrick, Zeljko Vujaskovic, Mark W. Dewhirst and Chuanyuan Li. Enhancement of hypoxia-induced tumor cell death in vitro and radiation therapy in vivo by use of small interfering RNA targeted to hypoxiaiinducible factor-1. Cancer Research 2004,64:8139-8142.
18. Wang Feng, Li Huiming, Liu Wenwen, Xu Ping, Hu Genxi, Chen Yidong, Jia Libin, Huang Qian. Gene expression profiles of the developing human retina. Chinese Science Bulletin 2004,49:2277-2284.
19. Liu J, Huang Q, Higdon J, Liu W, Xie T, Yamashita T, Cheon K, Cheng C, Zuo J. Distinct gene expression profiles and reduced JNK signaling in retinitis pigmentosa caused by RP1 mutations. Hum Mol Genet. 2005,14:2945-2958.
20. Liu J, Wang J, Huang Q, Higdon J, Magdaleno S, Curran T, Zuo J. Gene expression profiles of mouse retinas during the second and third postnatal weeks. Brain Res. 2006,1098:113-125.
21. Fang Li, Pierre Sonveaux, Zahid N. Rabbani, Shanling Liu, Bin Yan, Qian Huang, Zeljko Vujaskovic, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuan-Yuan Li. Regulation of HIF-1a Stability through S-Nitrosylation. Molecular Cell 2007,26:63–74.
22. Hui Yu, Jihong Wu, Huiming Li, Zhanli Wang, Xiafang Chen, Yuhua Tian, Miaoying Yi, Xunda Ji, Jialie Ma, Qian Huang. Inhibition of corneal neovascularization by recombinant adenovirus mediated sFlk-1 expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007,360:46-50.
23. Jufeng Zhang, Zhanli Wang, Fang Wei, Wei Qiu, Liangren Zhang, Qian Huang. Computational modeling and functional analysis of Herpes simplex virus type-1 thymidine kinase and Escherichia coli cytosine deaminase fusion protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007,361:946-952.
24. Hui Yu, Zhanli Wang, Liangren Zhang, Jufeng Zhang and Qian Huang. Pharmacophore modeling and in silico screening for new KDR kinase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2007,17:2126–2133.
25. Hui Yu, Zhanli Wang, Liangren Zhang, Jufeng Zhang and Qian Huang. The discovery of novel VEGF receptor tyrosine kinases inhibitors: pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening and docking studies. Chemical Biology & Drug Design. 2007, 69:204-211.
26. Huiming Li, Feng Wang, Wei Qiu, Yan Liu, Qian Huang. Expression patterns of the retinal development-related genes in the fetal and adult retina, Chin med J. 2007,120:1716-1719.
27. Shenghai Zhang, Jihong Wu, Xiaobing Wu, Xiaoyan Dong, Xinjian Liu, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. Distinctive gene transduction efficiencies of commonly used viral vectors in the retina. Curr Eye Res. 2008,33:81-90.
28. Jihong Wu, Shenghai Zhang, Xiaobing Wu, Xiaoyan Dong, Ping Xu, Xinjian Liu, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. Enhanced transduction and improved photoreceptor survival of retinal degeneration by the combinatorial use of rAAV2 with a lower dose of adenovirus. Vision Research 2008,48:1648–1654.
29. Hong Pan, Xinjian Liu, Jihong Wu, Yuhua Tian, Shenghai Zhang, Zhixin Lin, and Qian Huang. Fate and protective effect of marrow stromal cells after subretinal transplantation. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2008,40:202-208.
30. Li W, Li F, Huang Q, Frederick B, Bao S, Li CY. Noninvasive imaging and quantification of epidermal growth factor receptor kinase activation in vivo. Cancer Research 2008,68:4990-4997.
31. Xunda Ji, Jufeng Zhang, Lin Cheng, Fang Wei, Huiming Li, Xinjian Liu, Xiafang Chen, Chuanyuan Li, Yufei Wang, Qian Huang. Oncolytic adenovirus delivering herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase suicide gene reduces the growth of human retinoblastoma in an in vivo mouse model. Exp Eye Res. 2009,89:193-199.
32. Xunda Ji , Lin Cheng, Fang Wei, Huiming Li, Mengyun Wang, Yuhua Tian, Xiafang Chen, Yufei Wang, Frank Wolf, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. Non-invasive Visualization of Retinoblastoma Growth and Metastasis via Bioluminescence Imaging. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009,50:5544-5551.
33. Liu X, Wu J, Zhang S, Li C, Huang Q. Novel strategies to augment genetically delivered immunotoxin molecular therapy for cancer therapy. Cancer Gene Ther. 2009,16:861-868.
34. Xinjian Liu, Jinjun Li, Yuhua Tian, Ping Xu, Xiafang Chen, Kuangchen Xie, Zhengjun Qiu, Yufei Wang, Dabing Zhang, Frank Wolf, Chuanyuan Li, and Qian Huang. Enhanced Pancreatic Cancer Gene Therapy by Combination of Adenoviral Vector Expressing c-erb-B2 (Her-2/neu)-Targeted Immunotoxin with a Replication-Competent Adenovirus or Etoposide. Human Gene Therapy 2010,21:157-170.
35. Jufeng Zhang, Fang Wei, Huiping Wang, Huiming Li, Wei Qiu, Pengkang Ren, Xiafang Chen, and Qian Huang. A Novel Oncolytic Adenovirus Expressing Escherichia coli Cytosine Deaminase Exhibits Potent Antitumor Effect on Human Solid Tumors. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals 2010,25:487-495.
36. Ju-Feng Zhang, Fang Wei, Hui-Ping Wang, Hui-Ming Li, Wei Qiu, Peng-Kang Ren, Xia-Fang Chen and Qian Huang. potent anti-tumor activity of telomerase-dependent and HSV-TK armed oncolytic adenovirus for non-small cell lung cancer in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2010,29:52.
37. Fang Li, Qian Huang, Jiang Chen, Yuanlin Peng, Dennis R. Roop, Joel S. Bedford,6 Chuan-Yuan Li. Apoptotic Cells Activate the “Phoenix Rising”Pathway to Promote Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration. Science Signaling 2010,3(110),ra13.
38. Fang Li, Zhimin He, Jingping Shen, Qian Huang, Wenrong Li, Xinjian Liu, Yujun He,1 Frank Wolf and Chuan-Yuan Li. Apoptotic Caspases Regulate Induction of iPSCs from Human Fibroblasts. Cell Stem Cell 2010.,7:508-520.
39. Liu XJ, Qian QJ, Xu P, Wolf F, Zhang JF, Zhang DB, Li CY, Huang Q. A Novel Conditionally Replicating ‘‘Armed’’ Adenovirus Selectively Targeting Gastrointestinal Tumors with Aberrant wnt Signaling. Human Gene Therapy 2011,22:427–437.
40. Li WR, Li F, Huang Q, Shen JP, Wolf F, He YJ, Liu XJ, Hu A, Bedford JS, Li CY. Quantitative, noninvasive imaging of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks in vivo. Cancer Research 2011,71:4130-4137.
41. Huang Q, Li F, Liu XJ, Li WR, He ZM, Peng YL, Shen JP, Wolf F, Han GW, Wang XJ, Thorburn A, Bedford J, Li CY. Caspase-mediated stimulation of tumor cell repopulation during Cancer Radiotherapy. Nature Medicine 2011,17:860-867.
42. Cheng L, Wu Q, Huang Z, Guryanova OA, Huang Q, Shou W, Rich JN, Bao S. L1CAM regulates DNA damage checkpoint response of glioblastoma stem cells through NBS1. EMBO J. 2011 Mar 2;30(5):800-13. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2011.10. Epub 2011 Feb 4.
43. Cheng L, Wu Q, Guryanova OA, Huang Z, Huang Q, Rich JN, Bao S. Elevated invasive potential of glioblastoma stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011 Mar 25;406(4):643-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2011.02.123. Epub 2011 Mar 1.
44. Zhang S, Wu J, Wu X, Xu P, Tian Y, Yi M, Liu X, Dong X, Wolf F, Li C, Huang Q. Enhancement of rAAV2-Mediated Transgene Expression in Retina Cells In Vitro and In Vivo by Coadministration of Low-Dose Chemotherapeutic Drugs. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 May 4;53(6):2675-84. doi: 10.1167/iovs.11-8856.
45. Feng Y, Bao W, Luo Y, Tian L, Chen X, Yi M, Xiong H, Huang Q. Phosphomimetic mutants of pigment epithelium-derived factor with enhanced anti-choroidal melanoma cell activity in vitro and in vivo. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Oct 3;53(11):6793-802. doi: 10.1167/iovs.12-10326.
46. Wang H, Wei F, Zhang J, Wang F, Li H, Chen X, Xie K, Wang Y, Li C, Huang Q. A novel immunocompetent murine tumor model for the evaluation of RCAd-enhanced RDAd transduction efficacy. Tumour Biol. 2012 Aug;33(4):1245-53. doi: 10.1007/s13277-012-0374-7. Epub 2012 May 25.
47. Liu X, Li F, Stubblefield EA, Blanchard B, Richards TL, Larson GA, He Y, Huang Q, Tan AC, Zhang D, Benke TA, Sladek JR, Zahniser NR, Li CY. Direct reprogramming of human fibroblasts into dopaminergic neuron-like cells. Cell Research (2012) 22:321-332.
48. Luo Y, Qiu Z, Tian L, Zhu G, Feng Y, Yi M, Chen X, Wang L, Li C, Huang Q.Identification of novel predictive markers for the prognosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Hum Pathol. 2013 Jan;44(1):69-76. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2012.04.014. Epub 2012 Aug 30.
49. Luo Y, Tian L, Feng Y, Yi M, Chen X, Huang Q. The Predictive Role of p16 Deletion, p53 Deletion, and Polysomy 9 and 17 in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Pathol Oncol Res. 2013 Jan;19(1):35-40. doi: 10.1007/s12253-012-9555-3. Epub 2012 Jul 11.
50. Wei F, Wang H, Zhang J, Chen X, Li C, Huang Q. Pharmacokinetics of combined gene therapy expressing constitutive human GM-CSF and hyperthermia-regulated human IL-12. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Jan 26;32:5. doi: 10.1186/1756-9966-32-5.
51. Ling Zhou, Yanli Luo, Ke Li, Ling Tian, Min Wang, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. Molecular markers for predicting therapeutic resistance in breast cancer. Hum Pathol. 2013 Jul;44(7):1421-8.
52. Zhou L, Li K, Luo Y, Tian L, Wang M, Li C, Huang Q. Novel prognostic markers for patients with triple-negative breast cancer. Hum Pathol. 2013 Oct;44(10):2180-7. IF 2.769
53. Ma J, Tian L, Cheng J, Chen Z, Xu B, Wang L, Li C, Huang Q. Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway supports cancer cell growth during cancer radiotherapy. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 10;8(6):e65032. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0065032. Print 2013.
54. Zimmerman MA, Huang Q, Li F, Liu X, Li CY. Cell death-stimulated cell proliferation: a tissue regeneration mechanism usurped by tumors during radiotherapy. Semin Radiat Oncol. 2013 Oct;23(4):288-95. doi: 10.1016/j.semradonc.2013.05.003. Review.PMID:24012343.
55. Donato AL, Huang Q, Liu X, Li F, Zimmerman MA, Li CY. Caspase 3 Promotes Surviving Melanoma Tumor Cell Growth after Cytotoxic Therapy. J Invest Dermatol. 2014,Vol134:1686-1692. doi: 10.1038/jid.2014.18. IF 7.216
56. Fang Wei, Huiping Wang, Xiafang Chen, Chuanyuan Li , Qian Huang. Dissecting the roles of E1A and E1B in adenoviral replication and RCAd-enhanced RDAd transduction efficacy on tumor cells. Cancer Biol Ther. 2014 Oct;15(10):1358-66. doi: 10.4161/cbt.29842. Epub 2014 Jul 14. IF 3.072
57. Jin Cheng, Ling Tian, Jingjing Ma, Yanping Gong, Zhengxiang Zhang, Zhiwei Chen, Bing Xu, Hui Xiong, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. Dying tumor cells stimulate proliferation of living tumor cells via caspase-dependent protein kinase Cδ activation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Molecular Oncology 2015;9:105-114. IF 5.331
58. Liu XinJian, Huang Qian, Li Fang & Li Chuan-Yuan. Enhancing the efficiency of direct reprogramming of human primary fibroblasts into dopaminergic neuron-like cells through p53 suppression. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences September 2014 Vol.57 No.9: 867–875 doi: 10.1007/s11427-014-4730-2.
59. Jingjing Ma, Jin Cheng, Yanping Gong, Ling Tian, and Qian Huang. Downregulation of Wnt signaling by sonic hedgehog activation promotes repopulation of human tumor cell lines. Disease Models & Mechanisms 2015. 8, 385-391 doi:10.1242/dmm.018887 IF 4.973
60. Xinjian Liu, Yujun He, Fang Li, Qian Huang, Takamitsu A. Kato, Russell P. Hall, and Chuan-Yuan Li. Caspase-3 Promotes Genetic Instability and Carcinogenesis. Molecular Cell 2015. 58, 284–296.
61. Zhengxiang Zhang, Min Wang, Ling Zhou, Xiao Feng, Jin Cheng, Yang Yu1, Yangping Gong, Yin Zhu, Chuanyuan Li, Ling Tian, Qian Huang. Increased HMGB1 and cleaved caspase3 stimulate tumor repopulation and is correlated to poor prognosis in colorectal cancer. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research.2015,34:51 DOI 10.1186/s13046-015-0166-1 IF 4.429
62. Ming Quan, Jiujie Cui, Tian XiaZhilia, ng Jia, Dacheng Xie, Daoyan Wei, Suyun Huang, Qian Huang, Shaojiang Zheng, and Keping Xie. Merlin/NF2 Suppresses Pancreatic Tumor Growth and Metastasis by Attenuating the FOXM1-Mediated Wnt/beta-catenin Signaling. Cancer Res 2015;75(22):4778-89 IF 9.329
63. Xiao Feng, Ling Tian, Zhengxiang Zhang, Yang Yu, Jin Cheng, Yanping Gong, Chuan-Yuan Li and Qian Huang. Caspase 3 in dying tumor cells mediates post-irradiation angiogenesis. Oncotarget. 2015;6(32):32353-32367 IF 6.356
64. Yang Yu, Ling Tian, Xiao Feng, Jin Cheng, Yanping Gong, Xianjian Liu, Zhengxiang Zhang, Xuguang Yang, Sijia He, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. eIF4E-phosphorylation-mediated Sox2 upregulation promotes pancreatic tumor cell repopulation after irradiation. Cancer Letters 2016;375(1):31-38
Main awards
1998: Raychem/Duane Roger/john Morn's Fellow in Cancer
Duke University Cancer Center, USA
1997: Scientific Achievement Award
National Science and Technology Association, People's Republic of China
1996: Scientific Achievement Award
Ministry of Health, People's Republic of China
1995: Annual Biomedical Research Award
Sichuan Province Science and Technology Association
1989: The First Award for Ph.D. Thesis
Chinese Medical Association, Division of Sichuan Province
Duke University
2007.3-2009.8 Visiting Professor
University of Colorado at Denver
2002.5-2002.12: Vi siting Professor
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
2001.9-2002.5: Research Associate
Cancer Center
Duke University Medical Center, USA
1997-1998: Research Associate
Cancer Center
Duke University Medical Center, USA
1996-1997: Senior Research Scientist
Research Center of Clinical Molecular Biology
The First General Hospital
West China University of Medical Sciences
1994-1996: Associate Professor
Department of Ophthalmology
School of Medicine
West China University of Medical Sciences
1993-1995: Research Fellow
Department of Pathology
College of Medicine, University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont, USA
1991-1993: Research Fellow
Department of Ophthalmology
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Subject category:Medicine
Research field: Tumor angiogenesis; Tumor gene therapy; Tumor repopulation。
Representative article:
1. Olaf Hiort, Qian Huang, Gernot H.G. Sinnecker, Ab Sadeghi-Nejad, Klaus Kruse, Hubert J. Wolfe, and David W, Yandell. SSCP analysis of androgen receptor gene mutations patients with androgen insensitivity syndrome: application for diagnosis, genetic counseling and therapy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 1993,77:262-266.
2. Christopher Poremba, David W. Yandell, Qian Huang, John B. Little, Walter Mellin, Kurt W. Schmid, Werner Bocker, Barbara Dockhorn-Dworniczak. Frequency and spectrum of p53 mutations in gastric cancer: a molecular genetic and immunohistochemical study. Virchows Arch. 1995,426:447-455.
3. Jian Wang, Qian Huang, Wei Tang, and Bernardo Nadal-Ginard. E2F1 inhibition of transcription activation by myogenic basic helix-loop-helix regulator. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 1996,62:405-410.
4. Qian Huang, Siqing Shan, Rod D. Braun, Jennifer Lanzen, Gopal Anyrhambatla, Garheng Kong, Michael Borelli, Peter Corry, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuan-yuan Li. Noninvasive visualization of tumors in radent dorsal skin window chambers. Nature Biotechnology 1999,17:1033-1035.
5. Chuan-yuan Li, Siqing Shan, Qian Huang, Rod Brun, Jeniffer Lanzen, Kang Hu, Pengnian Lin, and Mark W. Dewhirst. Initial stages of tumor cell-induced angiogenesis: Evaluation via skin window chambers in rodent models. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2000,92:143-147.
6. Qian Huang, Jim K.Hu, Frank Lohr, Li Zhang, Rod Brun, Jeniffer Lanzen, John B. Little, Mark W. Dewhirst and Chuan-yuan Li. Heat-induced gene expression as a novel targeted cancer gene therapy strategy. Cancer Research 2000,60:3435-3439.
7. Frank Lohr, Jim K.Hu, Zishan Haroon, Thaddeus V. Samulski, Qian Huang, Jeniffer Beaty, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuanyuan Li. Combination treatment of murine tumors by adenovirus-mediated local B7/Il12 immunotherapy and radiotherapy. Molecular Therapy 2000,2:195-203.
8. Qing-hua Ru, Hui-e Jing, Guo-an Luo, Qian Huang. Single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis to detect the p53 mutation in colon tumor samples by capillary electrophoresis. J Chromatogr. 2000,894:171-177.
9. Frank Lohr, Kang Hu, Qian Huang, Li Zhang, Thaddeus V. Samulski, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuanyuan Li. Enhancement of radiotherapy by hyperthemia-regulated gene therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology 2000,48:1513-1518.
10. Chuanyuan Li, John B. Little, Kang Hu, Wen Zhang, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Qian Huang. Persistent genetic instability in cancer cells induced by non-DNA-damaging steree exposures. Cancer Research 2001,61:428-432.
11. Frank Lohr, Qian Huang, Kang Hu, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuanyuan Li. Systemic vector leakage and transgene expression by intratumorally injected recombinant adenovirus vectors. Clinical Cancer Research 2001,7:3625-3628.
12. Xiuwu Zhang, Yongping Li, Qian Huang, He Wang, Bin Yan, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuanyuan Li. Increased resistance of tumor cells to hyperthermia mediated by integrin-linked kinase. Clinical Cancer Research 2003,9:1155-1160.
13. Sara J. Bowne, Stephen P. Daiger, Kimberly A. Malone, John R. Heckenlively, Avril Kennan, Peter Humphries, Dinna Hughbanks-Wheaton, David G.Birch, Qin Liu, Eric A. Pierce, Jian Zuo, Qian Huang, Danyel D. Donovan, Lori S. Sullivan. Characterization of RP1L1, a highly polymorphic paralog of the retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1) gene. Molecular Vision 2003,9:129-137.
14. Feng Wang,Jihong Wu, Yuhua Tian, Xiafang Chen, Honghui Hu, Wensen Wu, Chuanyuan Li and Qian Huang. Role of VEGF in the growth and metastasis of a murine bladder carcinoma. Chinese Science Bulletin 2003,48: 2404-2410.
15. Qian Huang, XiuWu Zhang, He Wang, Bin Yan, Mark W. Dewhirst, and ChuanYuan Li. A novel conditionally replicative adenovirus vector targeting telomerase-positive tumor cells. Clinical Cancer Research 2004,10:1439-1445.
16. XiuWu Zhang, Qian Huang, Zhonghui Yang, Yongping Li, and ChuanYuan Li. GW112, a novel antiapoptotic protein that promotes tumor growth. Cancer Research 2004,64:2474-2481.
17. Xiuwu Zhang, Takashi Kon, He Wang, Fang Li, Qian Huang, Zahid N. Rabbani, John P. Kirkpatrick, Zeljko Vujaskovic, Mark W. Dewhirst and Chuanyuan Li. Enhancement of hypoxia-induced tumor cell death in vitro and radiation therapy in vivo by use of small interfering RNA targeted to hypoxiaiinducible factor-1. Cancer Research 2004,64:8139-8142.
18. Wang Feng, Li Huiming, Liu Wenwen, Xu Ping, Hu Genxi, Chen Yidong, Jia Libin, Huang Qian. Gene expression profiles of the developing human retina. Chinese Science Bulletin 2004,49:2277-2284.
19. Liu J, Huang Q, Higdon J, Liu W, Xie T, Yamashita T, Cheon K, Cheng C, Zuo J. Distinct gene expression profiles and reduced JNK signaling in retinitis pigmentosa caused by RP1 mutations. Hum Mol Genet. 2005,14:2945-2958.
20. Liu J, Wang J, Huang Q, Higdon J, Magdaleno S, Curran T, Zuo J. Gene expression profiles of mouse retinas during the second and third postnatal weeks. Brain Res. 2006,1098:113-125.
21. Fang Li, Pierre Sonveaux, Zahid N. Rabbani, Shanling Liu, Bin Yan, Qian Huang, Zeljko Vujaskovic, Mark W. Dewhirst, and Chuan-Yuan Li. Regulation of HIF-1a Stability through S-Nitrosylation. Molecular Cell 2007,26:63–74.
22. Hui Yu, Jihong Wu, Huiming Li, Zhanli Wang, Xiafang Chen, Yuhua Tian, Miaoying Yi, Xunda Ji, Jialie Ma, Qian Huang. Inhibition of corneal neovascularization by recombinant adenovirus mediated sFlk-1 expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007,360:46-50.
23. Jufeng Zhang, Zhanli Wang, Fang Wei, Wei Qiu, Liangren Zhang, Qian Huang. Computational modeling and functional analysis of Herpes simplex virus type-1 thymidine kinase and Escherichia coli cytosine deaminase fusion protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007,361:946-952.
24. Hui Yu, Zhanli Wang, Liangren Zhang, Jufeng Zhang and Qian Huang. Pharmacophore modeling and in silico screening for new KDR kinase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2007,17:2126–2133.
25. Hui Yu, Zhanli Wang, Liangren Zhang, Jufeng Zhang and Qian Huang. The discovery of novel VEGF receptor tyrosine kinases inhibitors: pharmacophore modeling, virtual screening and docking studies. Chemical Biology & Drug Design. 2007, 69:204-211.
26. Huiming Li, Feng Wang, Wei Qiu, Yan Liu, Qian Huang. Expression patterns of the retinal development-related genes in the fetal and adult retina, Chin med J. 2007,120:1716-1719.
27. Shenghai Zhang, Jihong Wu, Xiaobing Wu, Xiaoyan Dong, Xinjian Liu, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. Distinctive gene transduction efficiencies of commonly used viral vectors in the retina. Curr Eye Res. 2008,33:81-90.
28. Jihong Wu, Shenghai Zhang, Xiaobing Wu, Xiaoyan Dong, Ping Xu, Xinjian Liu, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. Enhanced transduction and improved photoreceptor survival of retinal degeneration by the combinatorial use of rAAV2 with a lower dose of adenovirus. Vision Research 2008,48:1648–1654.
29. Hong Pan, Xinjian Liu, Jihong Wu, Yuhua Tian, Shenghai Zhang, Zhixin Lin, and Qian Huang. Fate and protective effect of marrow stromal cells after subretinal transplantation. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2008,40:202-208.
30. Li W, Li F, Huang Q, Frederick B, Bao S, Li CY. Noninvasive imaging and quantification of epidermal growth factor receptor kinase activation in vivo. Cancer Research 2008,68:4990-4997.
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61. Zhengxiang Zhang, Min Wang, Ling Zhou, Xiao Feng, Jin Cheng, Yang Yu1, Yangping Gong, Yin Zhu, Chuanyuan Li, Ling Tian, Qian Huang. Increased HMGB1 and cleaved caspase3 stimulate tumor repopulation and is correlated to poor prognosis in colorectal cancer. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research.2015,34:51 DOI 10.1186/s13046-015-0166-1 IF 4.429
62. Ming Quan, Jiujie Cui, Tian XiaZhilia, ng Jia, Dacheng Xie, Daoyan Wei, Suyun Huang, Qian Huang, Shaojiang Zheng, and Keping Xie. Merlin/NF2 Suppresses Pancreatic Tumor Growth and Metastasis by Attenuating the FOXM1-Mediated Wnt/beta-catenin Signaling. Cancer Res 2015;75(22):4778-89 IF 9.329
63. Xiao Feng, Ling Tian, Zhengxiang Zhang, Yang Yu, Jin Cheng, Yanping Gong, Chuan-Yuan Li and Qian Huang. Caspase 3 in dying tumor cells mediates post-irradiation angiogenesis. Oncotarget. 2015;6(32):32353-32367 IF 6.356
64. Yang Yu, Ling Tian, Xiao Feng, Jin Cheng, Yanping Gong, Xianjian Liu, Zhengxiang Zhang, Xuguang Yang, Sijia He, Chuanyuan Li, Qian Huang. eIF4E-phosphorylation-mediated Sox2 upregulation promotes pancreatic tumor cell repopulation after irradiation. Cancer Letters 2016;375(1):31-38
Main awards
1998: Raychem/Duane Roger/john Morn's Fellow in Cancer
Duke University Cancer Center, USA
1997: Scientific Achievement Award
National Science and Technology Association, People's Republic of China
1996: Scientific Achievement Award
Ministry of Health, People's Republic of China
1995: Annual Biomedical Research Award
Sichuan Province Science and Technology Association
1989: The First Award for Ph.D. Thesis
Chinese Medical Association, Division of Sichuan Province