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Professor Rami Aqeilan from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem visited Shanghai General Hospital for an Academic Exchange on Bone Tumor

    On June 7th, Professor Rami Aqeilan from Hebrew University visited the Shanghai Institute of Bone Tumor Research and conducted an academic exchange activity, aiming to promote research and cooperation in the field of bone tumor between the two sides, and jointly advance the progress of joint projects. 

    Professor Rami Aqeilan is a well-known professor in the fields of immunology and oncology, who has maintained close scientific research cooperation with the School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University for many years. Professor Aqeilan and Professor Hua Yingqi jointly undertook the "SJTU-Hebrew University Joint Fund" project, focusing on the research of the pathogenic mechanism of MYC in osteosarcoma. In order to promote the progress of the project, Professor Aqeilan was invited to visit the Shanghai Institute of Bone Tumor Research to discuss the next steps of the project plan.

    Professor Rami Aqeilan has achieved significant achievements in the field of osteosarcoma research, revealing the function of the tumor suppressor gene WWOX in osteosarcoma. During this academic exchange, Professor Rami Aqeilan firstly introduced his research direction - the role of common fragile site tumor suppressor gene products in human diseases, and then presented his research findings on the WWOX gene in osteosarcoma. Subsequently, Professor Hua Yingqi introduced the research progress and landmark achievements of the Shanghai Institute of Bone Tumor Research in precision treatment of bone tumors.

    The young researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Bone Tumor Research, Zhang Tao, Xu Jing, and Yang Liu, respectively introduced their research work in the areas of drug therapy and mechanism exploration for osteosarcoma, the development of novel biomaterials for bone tumors, and the construction of bone tumor organoids. Both sides conducted in-depth discussions on osteosarcoma research cooperation and reached preliminary consensus on promoting scientific collaboration, laying a solid foundation for future in-depth cooperation.

    The Shanghai Institute of Bone Tumor Research has been committed to making breakthroughs in basic scientific research on bone tumors and striving to become a leading domestic and world-class scientific research institution. To achieve this goal, the institute actively seeks deep cooperation and exchange with excellent research teams and medical experts both domestically and internationally. Professor Rami Aqeilan's visit not only brought advanced international research concepts and progress to the institute, but also inspired the innovative vitality of the research team. We firmly believe that through extensive cooperation and exchange with global scientific research colleagues, the Shanghai Institute of Bone Tumor Research will achieve more breakthroughs in basic scientific research on bone tumors, providing solid scientific support for the diagnosis and treatment of bone tumors, and further promoting the development of the discipline of bone tumor research.

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